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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sauteed Mushrooms and Swiss Chard

For a few months now I've been getting a weekly Bountiful Basket. If you want more information check here. Basically I get a basket full of fruits and vegetables every Saturday and the best part is I have no idea what I am getting each week. It's been fun trying out different things and I am amazed at how much the kids love it. This week we got swiss chard and it has been a long time since I made anything with it so I started out safe but if we get it again I have some great plans for it. I love swiss chard because it has a ton of nutrients and doesn't have a weird taste.

Sauteed Mushrooms and Swiss Chard
1 Tbs. Olive oil
1/2 Tbs. Butter
1 Bunch of swiss chard (usually about 5-7 leaves)
slice mushrooms
2 garlic cloves, diced
salt and pepper to taste

Wash swiss chard. Then cut off the stems and set the leaves aside. Chop up the stems. Over medium heat combine butter and olive oil. Once heated add stems. If it's sizzling a lot turn the temperature down. Take the leaves and slice them into 1 inch strips. After about 6-8 minutes add the garlic and the mushrooms. Let cook for about 3 minutes and then add the chard leaves and salt and pepper. Cook until leaves begin to wilt. The leaves cook done a considerable amount so it might seem like a lot of leaves but it isn't. Once leaves begin to wilt take off the heat and serve.

It was a great side dish to our Bountiful Basket corn on the cob and free pork chops from Albertsons.

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